Opinion Corner: Australian Culture 101
Reporter, South Australia Chinese Weekly:Joanne Phan
As a young Australian, one thing is clear about Australia. We
are a young and diverse nation and many different Australian all come from
different cultures.
Since we are so diverse as an international student I can
imagine you won’t ever meet a “typical” Australian but in fact encounter a
range of different people with very different social customs, habits and
perspectives on life, which could possibly be very different from your own.
Australia has a music scene, which is relatively young and
is targeted towards the younger demographic. Most genres include rock, jazz,
pop, dance/electronic, country, hip hop, classical and my personal favourite
indie, which is very popular.
In Adelaide, you can listen to live mainstream artists such as Katy Perry and Lady Gaga
when they come on tour at the newly redeveloped Entertainment Centre. However,
Adelaide also has the local music scene such as DJs and live bands in pubs and
clubs all around the CBD.
Australia is extremely diverse in terms of ethnicity, with
immigrants from a huge range of countries contributing to the cultural life and
atmosphere in many different areas.
Australia has a vision of “fair go” for everyone and
Australian are tolerant and accepting of people from other cultures.
Immigration been a huge factor for our country, particularly
(and it is my favourite) food. In the past, Australian food was heavily
influences by British food. The original settlers who came from the UK brought
over with them food, which they had grown up with e.g. steaks, roast and still
to this day when new immigrants come to Australia they bring their food, which
they have grown up with.
In Adelaide almost any kind of food is available, if you
know where to find it and as a result as Australians we have become more
adventurous in terms of what we eat. We have choices between: Thai, Indian,
Italian, French, Greek and Lebanese food, which are all available and extremely
popular. I would recommend going on the website: http://www.urbanspoon.com/ and
also download the iphone application.
This website and iphone application is a dream. Many times
my boyfriend and myself have found ourselves wondering what to eat for dinner.
The conversation usually is along the lines of:
“I want something nearby”
“I want something cheap”
“I want Italian food”
With Urbanspoon, you can click on the particular settings
you want and they will find you the most ideal restaurant.
If I’m looking for a cheap meal in the CBD, I can adjust
those settings on Urbanspoon to find a list of restaurants.
Urbanspoon also can find you a restaurant if you have
special request e.g. a restaurant which is gluten-free friendly, has free
wi-fi, vegetarian friendly, a place with live music or romantic.
The wonders of the internet.
In terms of alcoholic drinks, Australia in a country of beer
lovers and overtime people who are also wine lovers as well. Some of the most
popular Australian beers include VB (Victoria Bitter), Tooheys and Carlton.
Foster’s, while popular overseas, is not nearly as popular in Australia.
However, personal I am a Heineken or Corona Beer drinker but yet again, the
amazing thing about Australia culture; we can get along of fine imported beers
and wines from all over the world.
Beer is heavily incorporated into our pub culture, which
will be touched upon in next Wednesday’s edition.
Reporter, South Australia Chinese Weekly:Joanne Phan
年輕的留學生朋友們注意了,在阿德萊德,你可以嘗試一些主流藝人的音樂,如Katy Perry和Lady Gaga,兩人都計劃到新近重新裝修的娛樂中心開巡演。同時,阿德萊德也有一些本土的音樂活動,例如市區CBD的許多酒吧和俱樂部都會有DJ和樂隊表演。
舉例說明: 如果我希望在CBD地區可以享用廉價的一餐,我可以調整Urbanspoon網站的要求,從而列出最終符合我要求的餐館。
如果你鍾意飲酒,澳洲可以成為你的天堂。澳洲是一個充滿啤酒愛好者的過度,隨著時間的推移,越來越多的人也愛上了紅葡萄酒。澳洲最受歡迎的啤酒品牌包括VB(Victoria Bitter)、Tooheys和Carlton。在海外廣受歡迎的Foster品牌似乎在澳洲沒有受到同樣的熱捧。筆者個人比較喜愛Heineken和Corona啤酒,但是在這裡不得不再次提及澳洲多元文化的美妙之處,就是我們仍然可以享用來自世界各地的進口啤酒和紅葡萄酒。
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