Chef Wan南澳系列之三
South Australia Chinese Weekly reporter/Jo Phan
Datin Chris
Salleh’s Breast Cancer Fundraiser Function, which Chef Wan and Chef Poh Ling
Yeow took part in holding a cooking demonstration for 50 SA residences to raise
funds for the cause. October is recognised as National Breast Cancer Month. It
is an annual international health campaign organised by major breast cancer
charities every October to increase awareness of the disease and to raise funds
for research into its cause, prevention, diagnosis, treatment and cure.
Chef Wan and Chef
Poh’s fundraiser highlighted the importance of cuisine and food to our health and
also in our lifestyle. It is important we realise how important health eating
is and the effect it has on our life.
With an appropriate diet and active lifestyle, people can maintain a
healthy and long life span, however with the wrong concept of eating and
cooking habits, there is a possibility of disease or the unfortunate concept of
dying at a premature age.
Adelaide City is a
unique city providing residences with easy access to fresh fruit and
vegetables. In Chinatown, we have the unique privilege of having Central Market
next door with fine foods and produce. It is definitely a perk.
Chef Wan had only
been in Adelaide for a few days and he was able to integrate and merge into the
unique Adelaide lifestyle. At the Breast Cancer Fundraiser Function, Chef Wan
shared his knowledge of embracing life and stressed the importance of healthy
eating. Chef Wan believed that the first step of leading a healthy lifestyle is
to change inappropriate eating habits – “to stay healthy, you need to protect
your kidneys”.
Together with Chef
Poh they used each other’s advantage of techniques and skills to produce for
their audience some amazing Malaysian cuisine food for their guest of 50 people. And they all shared in the experience
中國城與Central Market 開市時,車水馬龍,駕著嬌車的人往來如織,一百幾十年的城市,大部分人們流露出一種教養──禮貌、謙讓, 感到一種生活素質的舒暢。
九月十日(星期六),下午一二時開始,這次訪問是在東 區的Wanson Avenue,Rose Park , Honorary Consul Datuk Hassan Salleh與夫人(Christine Salleh)與Buble小組人員為Breast
Cancer 的Fund Raising (乳癌生存者擧行樂捐)。据了解,去年,他們募捐到五千多元澳幣。
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