Chef Wan訪南澳系列之一
Hassan官邸為拿督洗塵 ,Chef Wan爆料讓主客歡笑
Reporter: Jo Phan/南澳時報記者/
Honorary Consul for Malaysia, Datuk Hassan Salleh hosted a welcoming BQQ at his
home for International known Datuk Redzuawan Ismail aka Datuk Chef Wan.
Datuk Chef
Wan is an Actor, a TV Host, a popular Entertainer, an enthusiastic and vibrant
Entrepreneur and is the Food Ambassador of Malaysia.He has travelled around the
world introducing and promoting Malaysian Cuisine. With his wicked personality,
he is bringing Malaysian food forward onto the international stage.
Both the
host and guests were very happy at this lovely intimate BBQ and welcomed Chef
Wan wholeheartedly to Adelaide. This intimate BBQ was a wonderful occasion for
everyone to come together and build as well as strengthen relationships.
Special acknowledgement goes to Datuk Hassan Salleh and his wife, Datin
Christine (Chris) for hosting this wonderful event.
SA Chinese
Weekly is proud to have had the opportunity to exclusively report on Chef Wan’s
visit to Adelaide and will be conducting a series of reports of Chef Wan’s
activities in SA.
Be sure to
watch this space in the next few weeks!
(本報訊/南澳時報記者)Chef Wan,原名Redzuawan
Ismail,是拿督,Chef Wan享譽國際,是大馬明星級的廚師,大馬人再也熟悉不過的廚師。
Tradisi-Traditional delicacies)。
Chef Wan也是大馬的美食大使,多次代表大馬國家到世界各地,讓世界認識大馬,也讓大馬美食登上世界的舞台。
Consul Hassan Salleh 及夫人。
九月八日(星期四)晚為 Chef Wan
洗塵是在Hassan的官邸,記者與朋友們與主人同 Chef Wan歡樂,過著美好的晚宴,其中Chef Wan不時拋出笑料,讓人們笑聲連連,氣氛非常融合,友誼建立,了解與信心,是個難得主客盡歡的晚宴。
當晚,出席華人朋友有南澳愛活動人士George Chin 與夫人 ,Christina
Yeow , 葉浩鵬律師與Partner,與南澳時報社長潘家發,同近30多位澳洲朋友。
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