
2013年4月16日 星期二

Chef Wan南澳系列之三

Chef Wan南澳系列之三       South Australia Chinese Weekly reporter/Jo Phan   飲食對人健康很重要,人之生活的空間也很重要. Datin Chris Salleh’s Breast Cancer Fundraiser Function, which Chef Wan and Chef Poh Ling Yeow took part in holding a cooking demonstration for 50 SA residences to raise funds for the cause. October is recognised as National Breast Cancer Month. It is an annual international health campaign organised by major breast cancer charities every October to increase awareness of the disease and to raise funds for research into its cause, prevention, diagnosis, treatment and cure. Chef Wan and Chef Poh’s fundraiser highlighted the importance of cuisine and food to our health and also in our lifestyle. It is important we realise how important health eating is and the...

2013年4月15日 星期一

Chef Wan訪南澳系列之二

Chef Wan訪南澳系列之二 名廚名人今夜耀天空,美酒美食當前話人生 【南澳時報記者】電視螢幕前的 Chef Wan擁有一手好廚藝,愛拋笑彈,讓人歡欣。私底下,Chef Wan同樣愛說笑,採訪中不時拋出一些笑料,讓人開懷大笑,喜戯連綿。Chef Wan的平易近人。Honorary Consul Datuk Hassan Salleh(主要邀請Chef Wan來南澳此行的人)說Chef Wan一說話兩個小時才停下來。 在馬來西亞協會晚宴上,不光是記者大開眼界,大眾及副縂督Hieu Van Le AO也證明拿督Hasson的話是正確,讓人又驚又喜。 Chef Wan擁有拿督頭銜,但他不是高高在上的廚師,他還是要人人暱稱ChefWan。 本月九日(星期五)馬來西亞協會借Payneham Road的翡翠樓酒家擺宴歡迎Chef Wan。 近一百五十人共聚一場,緊湊熱烈、富有張力的歡迎晚宴,名人,名廚,政要人士,美酒、美食當前,讓人暢飲大食,開懷大笑,難得人生幾何。 馬來西亞協會會長Dr.EvelyneYap在該晚宴上致開幕詞,歡迎ChefWan(為大馬美食旅遊大使)來到南澳州。據了解,大馬旅遊部長拿督黃燕燕頒發了獎狀於ChefWan,委任他為大馬首位2010/2012美食旅遊大使。 副縂督Hieu Van Le AO在當晚宴上發表講話,歡迎Chef Wan以及大家來到這晚宴,因爲,澳洲有了多元文化政策,多民族社會管理多元文化性的公共政策,不同文化之間的相互尊重和寬容,各有其獨特性,美食有其獨特性,接納其他民族文化特性,澳洲社會因此而多彩多姿。今晚,歡迎Chef...

2013年4月14日 星期日

Chef Wan訪南澳系列之一

Chef Wan訪南澳系列之一 Hassan官邸為拿督洗塵 ,Chef Wan爆料讓主客歡笑 Reporter: Jo Phan/南澳時報記者/ The Honorary Consul for Malaysia, Datuk Hassan Salleh hosted a welcoming BQQ at his home for International known Datuk Redzuawan Ismail aka Datuk Chef Wan.  Datuk Chef Wan is an Actor, a TV Host, a popular Entertainer, an enthusiastic and vibrant Entrepreneur and is the Food Ambassador of Malaysia.He has travelled around the world introducing and promoting Malaysian Cuisine. With his wicked personality, he is bringing Malaysian food forward onto the international stage. Both the host and guests were very happy at this lovely intimate BBQ and welcomed Chef Wan...

2013年4月11日 星期四

Opinion Corner:I´m short, I´m fat, My nose is too big!

Opinion Corner:I´m short, I´m fat, My nose is too big! Joanne Phan Reporter, South Australia Chinese Weekly I am 21 and have been out of the raging hormones era of my teenage life for a while now.  I feel more carefree then what I did in high school. There are no more dramas about who is dating who, no more concerns of which group I am in with to cement my social status, no more concern about what I should wear to school each day. However, the awkward age of being a teenager, doesn’t seem that far away. Grade 9 was the final year I attended an all-girl school. At an all-girl school, I found that everyone around me was so concern with body image. Every girl would give the same compliment to each other “you’re so skinny” “oh no, I’m nowhere near as skinny as you!” and it would...

Opinion Corner: Australian Culture 101

Opinion Corner: Australian Culture 101 Reporter, South Australia Chinese Weekly:Joanne Phan 南澳時報記者潘在恩   As a young Australian, one thing is clear about Australia. We are a young and diverse nation and many different Australian all come from different cultures. Since we are so diverse as an international student I can imagine you won’t ever meet a “typical” Australian but in fact encounter a range of different people with very different social customs, habits and perspectives on life, which could possibly be very different from your own. Australia has a music scene, which is relatively young and is targeted towards the younger demographic. Most genres include rock, jazz, pop, dance/electronic, country, hip hop, classical and my personal favourite indie, which is very popular....

2013年4月9日 星期二

Pho Hong Tam的越南味道

Pho Hong Tam的越南味道      南澳時報記者/South Australia Chinese Weekly 在五味之中,最與夏季匹配的滋味是酸,尤其是​​那種清涼的酸。這種酸不是醋的味道,而是檸檬、經過醃漬的泡菜,或是別致的植物香料,惹動著我們的舌尖。 這些酸味配上東南亞特產的辣椒,就形成一種帶著清涼與新鮮的酸辣,細細回味還有些微甜。這個夏天,高溫酷熱,清淡適中,酸辣甘甜的越南菜毫無疑問地再次挑動了我們的味蕾。 Pho Hong Tam的那種清甜越南味道也成爲我們的首選。 由於南澳夏季天氣酷熱,Pho Hong Tam的老闆也著重介紹了酸辣開胃的越南特色菜。例如這裡的“越南蔗蝦”,是把去了殼的鮮蝦肉,剁碎,打成蝦膠後,裹在甘蔗枝上置於鍋裏油炸而成。外皮金黃酥脆,蝦肉由於吸收了甘蔗的清甜,既香,又鮮、嫩。 越南菜和其他東南菜係一樣,喜歡用各種各樣的香料。而老字號Pho Hong Tam的老闆也摸索出了獨門秘製的一系列醬汁,比如XO醬、沙爹醬等味道復雜得來又夠獨特,與食材搭配得剛剛好。 評價一位正宗越南菜廚師的水平,就得從河粉開始。開胃、清火,營養不油膩,再加上慢火熬十多個小時以上的骨頭湯,讓每一碗河粉都鮮美異常。 這裏主打的越南河粉,按照法式越南做法,料足,香料特別重手。越南河粉最美味所在是湯底,說到湯底,材料除了精選的牛骨,還加入丁香、肉桂、荳蔻等香料提香,末了還加了一小塊冰糖調味,以牛味醇厚、清澈甜美為上。 湯底的熬製方法也有其獨特之處,除了要熬足一晚上,牛骨在熬湯之前還要過水去除表​​面的油膩,煲的過程要不斷去掉雜質。此外,一定要謹記掀開鍋蓋,讓牛骨的油氣蒸發出來,最後出來的就是牛肉清湯。上桌時還會附上辣椒、青檸等,這些都是帶起牛肉河粉味道的源泉。 越南菜著重於酸和辣,但是每個地方也有其獨特風味,例如北部有河粉,南部有生魚酸湯較為代表。越南菜北、中、南部各有不同,例如所謂的中越菜指得是順化一帶的美食,由於順化一直是歷代王朝的古都,因此中越的菜不少是來自皇宮內的佳餚,其特色也就是小盤且精緻。雖然各地口味不盡相同,但不管到哪,不變的是到處都有“牛肉河粉”及“春捲”,再加上每餐必備的沾料“魚露”。...

2013年4月7日 星期日

Gouger Street Nu thai review

Gouger Street Nu thai review  South Australia Chinese Weekly reporter/Jo Phan Nu Thai Restaurant is a must-dine located on the busy street of Gouger St where it is an expression of all the different cultures who share in their best cuisines. Nu Thai incorporates the concept of traditional and modern Thai food, mixed wit of Nu Thai’s chef Thomas Ng’s special touch, which has shown time after time with customers to be a big hit. It is clear that the restaurant is always busy with satisfied customers because of Thomas’s food and the amazing service his staff provide. In their menu there is such a wide selection of different types of dishes to choose from the standard menu along with a special menu located on their blackboard which are hits for their customers. Along with...

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